The Friedman Archives

Photo Expeditions


The Friedman Archives Photo Expeditions are guided travel programs which cater to the unique needs (some people might say "eccentric needs") of photographers. Getting up at 4:00 AM in order to catch the sunrise is not out of the ordinary. Taking you to landmarks only when the light is right makes perfect sense to us. Taking you to places off the beaten path and leave you free to roam and photograph a fishing village is exactly our itinerary. The whole tour is based on the premise that nobody ever took a National Geographic quality photo from the window of a moving bus. :-)

The expeditions will occur once or twice a year (as my schedule permits); and will be co-hosted by Gary Friedman and an English-speaking native who knows the country inside-out and helps ensure that the logistics and itinerary will meet the participants' expectations. The two guiding principles of these expeditions are 1) That the camera can be a good catalyst to get out and explore the world, meet new people, and do things you wouldn't ordinarily get a chance to do, and 2) to be fun, supportive, and make friends with your new photographic family.  Owners of ANY camera brand may participate -- my books may be brand-specific, but I truly believe that in the end it's the photographer and the image that counts.  There will be some mini-seminars at night aimed at travel photography tips, the sharing of favorite photos, and other lectures introducing you to history and customs of the country. 

We are currently planning several Expeditions for Latvia, Ibiza, Northern Canada (to photograph Polar Bears), Prague, China, and maybe more if I have time.  Details for trips currently in the planning stages appear below:

    Eastern China (March 16-25, 2009) (Closed)

    Latvia (July 13-20, 2008) (This has already occurred, but you can click on the link to read more about what the trip was!)

Questions?  Even if you have a mild interest in a trip, please feel free to contact (or if you don't get a response,


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