I found a recommendation to your book on StevesForums and looked
it up at your website. I bought a 5D a few months ago and
absolutely love it...but I know I'm not anywhere near my potential
with this camera. I read and referenced the manual over and over
and I /thought/ I had a good understanding of all of the 5D's
functions. Well, you changed that. I downloaded the book last night
(well worth the 20 bucks, I might ad), got to about page 220 when I
just couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. Finished it today at
lunch. Not exactly a murder/mystery/suspense/thriller, but I just
couldn't put it down! I know so much more about that little 5D! I'm
confident I'll be using the book as a reference in the weeks and
months ahead.
I particularly enjoyed the chapter on wireless flash. I do not have
an external flash right now, but I know I need to get one to take
the shots I'd like to do. Also, I just have to ask your
opinion about the Sony deal. Reading your book, one can appreciate
your tremendous respect for the Minolta brand and their engineers.
I have to say, I'm one to "follow the beat of a different drummer"
and wonder about the ingenuity and brand loyalty that Sony will (or
won't) bring. Time will tell.
Thanks again for your insight and passion on this subject. I was
getting a little discouraged with my results, but I'm excited and
confident that now I'll get to the next level.
Chris Musacchio
Harrisburg, NC