Oppenheimer Tobacco Store Worker

Oppenheimer Tobacco Store Worker

Philosophically I don’t believe in candid or street photography; even though I recognize its legitimacy. I just think it’s rude. Today I walked by a storefront in the morning (before the shops were opened) and I saw a man dressed like Robert Oppenheimer at a table reading the paper. I was tempted but ultimately didn’t take the shot. That bugged me for the next hour (the shots that get away always do). So I returned to the store once it had opened and once the customers left I struck up a conversation with the shopkeeper of the smoke shop. I complimented him that he really looked the part. He explained that he’s just an employee, and all employees either had to dress like this or wear a uniform. I asked if I could take an environmental portrait; he hesitated but eventually agreed. He even got his hat although he objected that they weren’t usually worn indoors. We talked about travel. He always wanted to go to Boston but never had the time. I told him he’s still young. I can’t remember a time I got exactly the portrait I wanted in only three shots. But I did. And I emailed the image to him immediately. Instead of being a rude American by shooting a candid, today I made a friend.

(C) Gary L. Friedman. This image is available for licensing. Contact info@FriedmanArchives.com