Sony Alpha NEX 3, C3, 5, and 5N

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…at the same time! Click here to see sample pages and a complete Table of Contents before you buy. This e-Book is available in two different formats: 1) As an…

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…Gym – PICT0127 Gym – PICT0136 Gym – PICT0151 Gym – PICT0157 Gym – PICT0167 Gym – PICT0231 Gym 1 Gym 2 Hair Highlight Foil Haircut 1 Haircut Shampoo Happy…

Sony A6000

…más el uso de su cámara! Haga clic aquí para ver algunas páginas de muestra y una vista completa del índice (en inglés) antes de comprarla: 1) Como un archivo…

Dance Club in L.A.

…– Dancer Waving 2 women dancing Blue Crowd Shot Standup Comic Crazy Horse – Green Light Purple crew member The View DCF 1.0 Ruth Brodsley House Band Overview Audience shot…



Just on the outskirts to Kuala Lumpur lies an area called Kampung Baru. According to Wikipedia, “It is also one of the most valuable tracts of land in the capital…

Rich and Poor

Rich and Poor

Just on the outskirts to Kuala Lumpur lies an area called Kampung Baru. According to Wikipedia, “It is also one of the most valuable tracts of land in the capital…

Chapter 1: Get a Job

…some good coaching on effective ways of teaching. Not all schools are run by crooks – in my short stay here I have already met several Americans who run the…

Chapter 20½: Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch

…will be able to lead this company to success. We will instead be running inefficiently – a V-8 running on only 3 cylinders.” (Men love to use car analogies, don’t…

Dynax Maxxum Alpha 7D and 5D


…keep ’em coming.” – Peter Russell (click here for entire review) (opens new window) Also read an interview article with me by Peter Russell (opens new window) “So let me…