Union Station Front

Union Station Front

Union Station is the historic railway station in Los Angeles. It is rumored that the upkeep for the building is paid for by the movie studios, since it is a…

Surfers at Sunset

Surfers at Sunset

Two surfers run to catch their next wave in Huntington Beach, California. “(C) Gary L. Friedman. This image is available for licensing. Contact info@FriedmanArchives.com“…

Randy's Donuts

Randy’s Donuts

…it, started life as one of the “Big Donut Drive-In” chain owned by Russ Wendell, founder of Pup ‘n Taco. Says Don, “There are a few other examples (complete with…

Cantor's Deli - Front Sign

Cantor’s Deli – Front Sign

The most famous deli in Los Angeles is Cantor’s on Fairfax, open 24 hours and serves the best sky high corned beef sandwiches (with cole slaw and Russian dressing) anywhere….

Sidewalk Graffitti

Sidewalk Graffitti

This stenciled, painted message on the sidewalk (“Killing People is Rude”) was found in the North Loop of Downtown Chicago. “(C) Gary L. Friedman. This image is available for licensing….

The James R. Thompson Center

The James R. Thompson Center

The atrium of Illinois’ main office building in Chicago. The building was named after Governor “Big Jim” Thompson who ruled Illinois for about 20 years. “(C) Gary L. Friedman. This…

Kid and Fountain

Kid and Fountain

California is filled with many computer-based “Interactive Fountains”, which silently challenge children to run through the space without getting wet. This boy failed the challenge. 🙂 info@FriedmanArchives.com“…

Cheering at Dodger's Stadium
Wall of Water

Wall of Water

A boy tries to run through an “interactive fountain” before the water turns back on. (He almost made it!) info@FriedmanArchives.com“…

Mud Baths

Mud Baths

This image taken by the Dead Sea in Israel, where the mud is rumored to have healing qualities. info@FriedmanArchives.com“…