Chapter 13½ The Al Capone of Jiangxi

…good job as a university professor and his mother is a math instructor. Could Mr. Carr ruin their lives as well? We went back to their house in my ragged…

Chapter 16: Christmas in Beijing

…conspire, and what insecure ruling party would allow that? Anyway, what I’m trying to say is I have found very few religious people here. (This is similar to the shocking…

Chapter 18: The Edge of the Sky

…far, and the temperature got down to about -3 degrees C.) So although my need to escape from the cold was somewhat tempered (no pun intended), I still heeded the…

Chapter 19: Photo Album #3: Hainan

Smoking break on a fishing vessel. Navigating around the coral. Take me home!! Hey, I’m not kidding, this place is JUST LIKE Hawaii! Dock of a thousand flags near dusk….

Chapter 22: Smothering with Kindness

…employ it toward others), but here I am in a far-off land and I don’t want to be rude or do anything to insult all of these people who seem…

No, it's not KFC.

No, it’s not KFC.

Please, no rude comments about all of the fast food I must have been eating given the two references made here. Wait until Chapter 17 when I’ll talk about all…

Father and Daughter on Motorcycle.

Father and Daughter on Motorcycle.

…unusual for a powered motorcycle to try to plow its way through a very crowded sidewalk. And although the driver was smiling, he was also bent on running me down….


…and immerse myself in the articles.” – Lynn, Ontario “Congratulations on an excellent magazine, it’s a refreshing change from the run of the mill fodder out there. The maxim “it’s…

Sony Alpha 850 and 900


…up the excellent work!” -George J. Surma “CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR BOOK WHICH ON A SCALE OF 10 HAS TO BE AN 11.” – Jim Koregelos What I particularly liked about…

Fujifilm X-100F

X100F-Back Cover just the illustration

…better understand all its capabilities!” – Russ Stamp “I’m enjoying the book so far. Love your high level of detail and you have definitely left no stone unturned. This book…