Sony Alpha 700

…de ser la persona que ofrece la mejor relación calidad/precio en educación fotográfica, ¡sin que nadie se le acerque siquiera!” – Stephen Czupryna “Aunque usted es, obviamente, un tecnócrata, tiene…

Chapter 5: Too Many Opportunities


…of the equipment within cell sites (small disaster-resistant buildings next to every cell phone antenna). Suddenly, the same basic design (with a little more I/O and programming) can now be…

Hospices de Beaune

Hospices de Beaune

Inside the Hospices de Beaune, a hospice where people with incurable conditions went to die. This was considered the “luxury” ward, since there were only two sick people per bed….

Chapter 3 – Disconnects


I’m now entering my second week of teaching (it seems longer!), and I’m beginning to get into the swing of things. My students know me by name, and give an…

Camera Obscura building exterior

An optical design dating back to 1899 is housed in this Senior Recreation Center in Santa Monica, Califonria. The lens and mirror are mounted in the roof, and the viewers…

Camera Obscura building exterior

An optical design dating back to 1899 is housed in this Senior Recreation Center in Santa Monica, Califonria. The lens and mirror are mounted in the roof, and the viewers…

Camera Obscura interior

Camera Obscura interior

An optical design dating back to 1899 is housed in this Senior Recreation Center in Santa Monica, Califonria. The lens and mirror are mounted in the roof, and the viewers…


…digital technology dating back barely 30 years, or that the best quality may result from a generation of gear designed last year only to be outpaced next year. Ninety percent…

Camera Obscura building exterior

An optical design dating back to 1899 is housed in this Senior Recreation Center in Santa Monica, Califonria. The lens and mirror are mounted in the roof, and the viewers…