Hat Box Ghost

…a general overview of rates and policy regarding web use. For price quotes specific to a need, contact info@FriedmanArchives.com. All images on this site Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Gary L. Friedman…

Hat Box Ghost

Missing since 1969, Disney places a new “Hatbox Ghost” audio-animatronic figure in the Haunted Mansion in 2015. The ghost’s face jumps from the head to the hatbox and then back…

Opryland Hotel Interior

…for a general overview of rates and policy regarding web use. For price quotes specific to a need, contact info@FriedmanArchives.com. All images on this site Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Gary L….

NBC Building

…for a general overview of rates and policy regarding web use. For price quotes specific to a need, contact info@FriedmanArchives.com. All images on this site Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Gary L….

Autumn Leaves on Grey Wood

Red Leaves are a sure sign of autumn. (This picture can also represent a new season, the passage of time, to everything turn, turn, turn, and the predictable cycles of…

Construction Worker on Stilts

An under-age construction worker puts the finishing touches on the walls of this new home. This image is available for licensing. Refer to my Pricing Page for a general overview…


During the time Voyager passed by Neptune, principal investigators from around the world converged on JPL to piece together the new mysteries. “(C) Gary L. Friedman. This image is available…


Looking at SANTA II displays

One of the principal investigators looks at one of the new Data Visualization tools from the Science Analysis Near-Term Activity (SANTA) prototyping project. “(C) Gary L. Friedman. This image is…

Red Lights and Taxi

Looking down a typical busy street in New York. (C) Gary L. Friedman. This image is available for licensing. Contact info@FriedmanArchives.com…