Now Available! The Complete Guide to Sony’s Alpha 850 and Alpha 900 Digital SLR Cameras by Gary Friedman!
The ultimate reference guide for the ultimate Alpha-mount cameras!
Gary Friedman’s comprehensive guide to Sony’s full-frame A850 and A900 DSLRs is very different from Gary’s previous books. Presented as a reference book, with 85% being either new or rewritten, this tome provides a detailed description of each function, menu item, and button on the camera, plus has in-depth descriptions and examples of each feature.

Also included in this 510-page compendium are dedicated chapters on Dynamic Range Optimization, Sony’s new Wireless flash protocol, new features unique to the A900, the new HVL-F20AM flash, and how to get great-quality high-ISO images out of the camera.
Get the most out of your investment! Gary’s books are renown for their clear writing style and their ability to convey complex ideas in understandable ways.
NEW! Covers improvements made in Sony Firmware version 2.0.
This e-Book is available in TWO different formats:
1) As an instantly-downloadable, full-color .pdf file – 528 pages of information, knowledge, and wisdom for ONLY USD $29.95!!!
2) For those of you who prefer to hold the things you read, this book is also available as a pair of printed and bound books that will be mailed right to your door from print-on-demand publisher Due to the largeness of this book, the printed versions (both Color and B&W) will be split into two smaller volumes. Because these books are print-on-demand, they are a bit pricier than your traditional books. But if you’re the kind who likes to hold the things you read, then this option is still cheaper than printing the book on your inkjet printer:
Color printed books: Click here to purchase Volume 1 ● Click here to purchase Volume 2
B&W printed books: Click here to purchase Volume 1 ● Click here to purchase Volume 2
What others are saying about this and Gary’s previous e-books:
“Thank you very much for one of the best manuals I ever read in my life!” – Cyril Pertsev
“I am completely amazed at the insight that these books have given me into many areas that I was unsure of or that were not adequately covered in the manuals. [Y]ou approach every aspect in a completely logical and practical way. I certainly will recommend your books at every possible opportunity.” – Neale du Plooy
“Shortly after purchasing an a850 I purchased [a competitor’s] book. Several chapters in I was no more informed or skilled than I was when I started. I had NOT purchased Friedman’s book because I don’t like ebooks as much as I do like (and use, via marginalia and color-coded flags) books on paper. Big mistake. Friedman’s book is exemplary: clearly structured, clearly written, well edited, and concise. It’s a book written with the needs of the student foremost in mind, never losing sight of the goal of teaching a skill and communicating the understanding that makes remembering and using that skill easier. As noted by another respondent, the chapter on Sony flashes alone is worth more than the cost of the book. And that’s just one chapter. I return to my copy of Friedman’s book all the time (and have marked it up with e-marginalia). After purchasing Friedman’s book I had no reason to go back to [competor’s] book.” – Kriekira from Read thread here.
“Your A900 book is a masterpiece! I had to tell you how much you have changed my whole concept on digital.” – Clive Jones
“I had a first look into this book and although I am very experienced I still can find interesting news in this book. No question – it is worth its money.” – Wilfried Dennemarck
“I have already had two aha moments and I have only had the book for 5 minutes. Thank you! I will spread the word.” – Karen Krasny
“FANTASTIC, you did it again! I AM IMPRESSED!” – Marc Pecquet
“WOW!! Gary did an incredible job here. I have read many manuals in my twenty years of profession, both in the Cinematography and Photography fields, and I never have found a book so expressively easy to read, very specifically presenting the Reader and user with How to, in setting up particular Camera functions. You do not see this kind of well-explained tutorial in any Manual that arrives with your camera. Images and examples are also great as to better show you what, how, and why you are using each setting. GET GARY’s BOOK! You will thank me later, and please, get the download version and do your part for our Planet.” – Ketch Rossi
“Best $30 I have spent since I bought the camera!” – Henry Frith
“Just want to congratulate you on your Alpha 900 books. They are so interesting and informative and of course very easy to follow. If only Sony contracted you to write their instruction manuals for them in the first place! – Robin Smith
“I have read a few books in the past about photography but this one has really made me understand. I feel truly inspired. For the first time I have not felt unsure about turning that dial away from ‘AUTO’.” – Richard Evans
“GREAT JOB! Very, very, informative and written in a way anyone can understand. This is the first book I have seen that explains things so clearly and easily. This will help bring back the joy of taking pictures that I lacked when I was struggling with the settings on my camera.” – Cesar Borges
“Having read (tried to read) many dry books on Photoshop, it’s such a pleasure to enjoy learning with your style of writing, again your love of the camera shines through. I can’t stop reading your book!” – David Lord
“I would like to congratulate you on such a thorough and thoughtful compendium. Your ‘patient’ explanations and excellent examples have made my experience with the Sony so much more enjoyable. This book, along with your “25 Ways” and “Advanced Topics” is the best investment in DSLR photography material that I have made. Thank you so much for the help and enlightenment!” – Des Wann
“Your books are brilliant and the free updates put you over the top as the guy delivering the best value for money in photographic education, bar none!” – Stephen Czupryna
“In spite of the fact you are obviously a technocrat you have the rare ability of being lucid in imparting your knowledge. I found your book was easy to understand and corrected some faults in the Sony instructions as well as expanding the information.” – Robin Smith
“By the way, your e-book on the Alpha 700 was outstanding. You certainly have a talent for presenting a technical matter in a clear and comprehensible manner. Keep up the excellent work!” -George J. Surma
What I particularly liked about your book is the real life experiences and your use in a real situation along with suggested settings which I found fantastic, rather than just a “how the camera works” camera book.” – Ralph Bennett
“I purchased the color version of your Sony Alpha e-book last night and started reading it with the intention of reading the intro and quickly skimming through the rest. About 4 hours later, I realized that I was reading through every single page of the first 6 chapters. Needless to say, this is a wonderful book, very informative and well laid out. Thanks!” -Anil
“I couldn’t resist contacting you to express how THOROUGHLY delightful / informative I’m finding your book. Outstanding! doesn’t begin to cover it, especially given the gentle humor scattered throughout to take the edge off of the technicalities. I adore it when an author pays attention to, and accommodates, the psychology of the reader.” – Pam Gaines
“Last night I finished reading your e-book on the A 700 and enjoyed it immensely. Thank you so much for such an in-depth and to-the-point book loaded with information you can really use. I will be sure to mention it highly on chat lines and other locations I frequent.” – Barbara Lodge
“Thank you so much for making this e-book! So clearly done in such a way that, yes, I got some of those “Aha!” moments! I certainly will pass this on wherever I can. You have just taken a big chunk of anxiety out of my learning curve!” – Veronica
“The contents of your book go beyond my expectations! I couldn’t pull myself away to tell you until I had finished reading more than 60 pages. Your book is very clearly written, and your spiral approach to teaching will prove to be an easy way of learning in depth the many topics you include. Thank you, again!” – Janet Lustgarten
“I downloaded it yesterday and learnt more about the camera than all the reviews, articles and even Sony’s own manual combined. Well worth it. I especially liked his coverage of the wireless flash system which has always been a mystery to me.” – Setev from Read entire thread
“Your writing is a marvel. Your evident respect for the genius of the Minolta/Sony engineers adds substantially to my appreciation and enjoyment. With your background I now have a foundation for more fully understanding what it takes to be as creative as they are in providing us with these pleasure-full tools/toys.” – Don Stromberg
“It’s worth buying again” – Ronald Schalkwijk (owner of two other books)
“Thanks for a great book! It is the most complete reference I have found on this camera. It puts the Magic Lantern guide to shame both in its coverage of the camera and of photographic methods.” – James Handcock
“I found your book to be indispensable. I love your books; your tutorials are a godsend, and your work…omg…total inspiration.” – Charles Neinnger
“The manual that you have written is truly comprehensive and must have been a monumental undertaking. […T]he many tips on the various function settings and especially the flash guide have shown me that there is more to this camera than I thought at first.” – Bob Johnston
I just purchased your Sony Alpha guidebook, and absolutely love it. You have a great talent for writing and describing things most people would not understand without you! I can happily say that you have made me a better and more knowledgeable photographer.” – Jeff Childers
“I have to admit, it is a great guide. I couldn’t stop myself from finishing it last night, I didn’t get to sleep because of it actually. The amounts of insights, hints, tips and clues in every section covered every single question I had in my mind since I bought my A100 and opened a whole new horizon for my photography. Thanks a lot for the enlightenment.” – Adham El Deeb (Egypt)
“I am blown away. The pages I looked at contain incredible how to information, wonderful tips, and a wealth of information about digital imaging generally. Thank you so much. I can’t wait to have more time with both your book and my camera.” – Avi Freund
“Your book is a Godsend – I would’ve been completely lost with the manual.” – Dave Gerard
“Your book has opened my mind to the A700 capabilities. In particular understanding, and working with, Histograms, DRO, on-camera Flash and Wireless Flash and Zone matching. I also liked seeing your A700 camera settings and the Appendices covering settings for various shoots. So readable, informative and opening my mind to things I didn’t understand on the A700!” – Brian Aldington
“I dare say that you are a genius and heaven sent. I love the ebook. I finally found a resource material that helps me understand what I need to know about the basics of photography and how to best enjoy the camera. I believe in your book and would recommend it to any Alpha owner out there; even to the more experienced photographer. Very concise yet easy to understand. All my other resource materials are now gathering dust in my library at home. I don’t need them anymore.” – Roberto Ramon Concepcion
“All this ‘ol gent can say is: WOW! You make everything so utterly simple, and the form of your writing keeps one totally interested. I am really excited with what I have already learned about my one-year-old 7D, in just the first several pages of the book!” – Ed Schwing
“It is the best guide out there hands down…..Sony should PAY him and bundle this book with their cameras….well worth EVERY penny.” – Eskasi on Read the entire discussion forum thread.
“I don’t know how you do it, but your style of writing is so enjoyable, friendly, and incredibly informative all at the same time. I read the entire book from cover to cover in one sitting with the camera by my side the whole time, and as I went through it, I started to realize that I finally understood what all of the formerly cryptic numbers and symbols on the LCD meant and it’s such a great feeling! […] I can’t thank you enough for getting me out of “Auto” mode! – Stacey Jarasa
“Over the years I’ve read a ton of photo books and I have to say yours is the most approachable and filled with the most usable tips and examples.” – Mark Lynch
“Dear Gary: I am really enjoying your book, it is the best manual on anything I have ever read. You should do the computer manuals, you are a born teacher and clearly you really know your subject.” – Ivan Tentchoff
“I can’t say enough about your Sony guide. It has rejuvenated my photography like nothing else. I just had to thank you again, not just for the guide but also for access to some wonderful topics on your site.” – Karl Jones
“You are such a trustworthy person and it’s a pleasure to buy and read your publications. What I like most about you is the way you describe complex functions with such a simple and comprehensible language. This is a divine gift which makes you so distinctive among other writers who have serious problems of communication! Thank you for being such a wonderful friend.” – Fariborz
“I love it! I’ve already made some settings tweaks, and have some new insights to work with. Can’t wait to study the White Balance and remote flash stuff. I have to admit, when I first started reading, I thought “Great; this is for newbies and technophobes”, but as I went on I see that you have skillfully addressed both newbies and experienced photographers. Thanks – the book is an incredible value!” -David Aguilar
“I have read the manual several times, but didn’t understand many of the features. I want you to know that I understand MORE just by reading the first 100 pages of your book than by reading the manual over and over. Thanks for writing a GREAT guide for this camera!” – Janet DeCristofaro
“I have your super e-book and I am highly impressed with the way you explain things. You, my friend, are awesome with words!” – Allan Mann
“I must admit I was overwhelmed and intimidated by this powerful and somewhat confusing camera. Having just finished your book, I am now confident that my new friend and I have many exciting adventures ahead. And I know that I’ll be referring back to your book for many years to come. Thank you for opening the world of photography to novices like me! I am a true-believer and a loyal fan. BTW, even if your book wasn’t about photography, I would have enjoyed reading it. You’re an excellent writer.” – Everett Madden
“I also agree about Gary’s writing style. I like the way he can explain the technical parts without oversimplifying them. I’m a beginner, not a dummy. I also like his explanations of what makes good composition. I bought one photography book at Barnes and Noble and have checked out several more at the library, but none of them really fit me like Gary’s.” – Michael Pardee from Yahoo! Groups on the A100 camera
“I have now read half of the book in two weeks and have enjoyed every page of it. And the approach in the book (top down & bottom up in parallel, practical tips here and there) supports learning well. And the enthusiasm of the author shows through and motivates the reader well. Thank you for the great book!” – Erkki Pöyhönen
“You won’t be sorry you bought Gary Friedman’s book. It’s full of useful tips and lots of info that doesn’t appear in the KM manual….and his style of writing is brilliant. Wait until you read the chapter about wireless flash. :)” – SteveCz from
“You’ve done a darned fine job of explaining the functions of the camera with a pragmatic, user-centric approach, answering the questions we have as new users and budding hobbyists. You have saved me hours upon HOURS of frustration trying to figure out practical applications for the various functions of the camera! Your book makes it easy to traverse the learning curve, not only for the KM cameras, but for digital photography in general. I shudder at the thought of the time I could have saved if I’d simply had your book a few months ago!!” – Brian Soregaroli
“First of all, congratulations on your wonderfully informative book. The amount of information, written in a manner I can really understand, has already made a difference to my photography!” – Peter Olsen
“I loved the way you explained that the curve tool is a transfer function. You did not use those words but your example of the Centigrade to Fahrenheit conversion was a great way to get the idea across; I have been using the curve tool in PS for a couple of years and never understood it as clearly as I do now, thanks to your book. Thanks, teacher!” – David DeBar
“The key thing I want to comment on is simply the style of your writing. It is so easy to read, very down to earth and conversational- it’s like I am asking you questions and you are telling me the answers. Doesn’t have that “textbook” flavor so many beginner’s books have. I especially like the personal touch so many of your topics include- you explain why you are making a particular recommendation based upon your own past experience.” – David and Diane Drake (Read more)
“The book actually managed to make exploring all the camera options and knobs a fun and rewarding experience – and that’s quite an achievement in itself. Additionally, the visual illustrations of the techniques and the teaching method make it all more engaging and easy to follow. Definitely worth the money!” – Silverio F
“As a former teacher I know how hard it is to write something like “The Friendly Manual”. To do a piece of work like that you have to have the gift. It’s a significant contribution to the Minolta culture. Many thanks!” –Sten-Åke Sändh
“I am delighted with the book which is written in a friendly style and the subjects are clearly explained, the explanation of camera functions together with the sample photographs are exactly what I was looking for. […] My photography has changed for the better since I applied the principles set out in your book and my photographs do look different” – Alfred Hopwood
“Your book is extremely well-written. Although I have only read about 10%, I’ve already used several tips after slapping my forehead. “Oh, yeah. Now it makes sense!”
“I never thought I’d find a 3rd-party manual. Yours is a gem.” – Duane Moore
“Love your book, Gary, as well as all the additions you’ve written. So easy to understand, accurate and FUN! A complete opposite to those user manuals! I am so impressed how I’m absorbing the information so easily. I find I even have a “photographic memory” (no pun intended!) for many of the pages. [… Y]ou have an incredible gift for writing/teaching in a way that the student will truly absorb the material. I also loved the tips in the “Cookbook” that you e-mailed to us.” – Mary Flannery
“[A]bove all I was impressed by the way you make the use of the Sony Alpha (and photography in general) a “piece of cake”. Your straightforward and humorous style of writing is addictive and I devoured your book in one night. I just wanted to give you this feedback and I send you my best greetings from Antwerp-Belgium.” – Jacques Werbrouck
“Your pictures are an inspiration for me to be as good as you. The Sony book you wrote is excellent and I’ll make sure other Alpha owners know it too!” – Michael Rutkowski
“However the main reason to mail you is to thank you for your True Jewels. For me your attitude as well as the style of your narration is the greatest value I find in your guides. Thank you also for the excellent documentary about my country – Latvia. Your travel diaries show you not only as a masterful photographer, but also as highly concerned, responsive person.” -Gunars Severs
“I wanted to say how INCREDIBLY IMPRESSED I am with the Sony book! Brilliant work, mate! Having read through the tiny Sony manual many times, this has to be one of the best-written books that gives CONTEXT to how / why you would want to do something and the examples and anecdotes are great! I will most definitely be recommending the book to all my friends. Most enjoyable!” – Geoff Elwood
“Dear Gary, I bought another book on my camera before I bought yours, but I wanted to learn more. I have just started to read your book and now I am on page 55. So far I have had 4 “Aha!” moments of understanding, and I am sure I will have a lot more. Just the things I have learned so far have paid for the book. Keep up the good work.” –John Maher, Numazu City, Japan
“Your book really helped me to understand my A700. When I got the camera I was really confused and overwhelmed by all the stuff I had to learn, but your book turned the maze into a straight highway road, making my learning much more interesting and quick. Someone else already said it, your book should be included in the Alpha 700 box (or every other applicable Alpha for that matter!) instead of the manual. And that statement is so right. Thanks again for your email and for your work, you really make learning photography and to use an Alpha camera so interesting and fun!” – Diego Raigoza Nuñez
“I just wanted to drop a note thanking you for such an excellent manual at a very reasonable cost. I’ve used other 35mm SLR’s so I’m not completely green when it comes to cameras, but your insight and hints take great strides in teaching how to use the camera more effectively. Your book touches on features the camera has built in that an owner probably would never know by reading the factory manual. It’s an easy to read and…better yet…understand “what you just read” publication. Nice job!” – Scott Campbell