The best help in the world on the X-T3!
Written in plain English for Fujifilm’s outstanding X-T3 camera, this is This is EVERYTHING X-T3 explained in easy to understand language! It is the Manual on Steroids and much more… In it, I assume you are a photographer, so I don’t dive in to the basics of photography (except in an Appendix). Everything comes with clear tutorials and examples.
So if you’re uncertain about anything your X-T3 does, grab this book! It’s packed with clear tutorials and examples, with over 900 tips, tricks, and tweaks to help you master photography with your X-T3. And you can try it risk-free – read on for details!
This 711-page full-color book:
* Is packed with over 900 tips and tricks to help you master photography with an X-T3.
* Covers every mode, menu, button, function, and socket.
* Explains the new Flash modes.
* Covers Lighting – even Manual flash!
* Includes all my camera settings and an explanation of why on earth I do it that way.
* Covers every essential of shooting – like: ISO, Focus, WB, Metering, flash modes – and the more esoteric ones too.
* Explains how and why to customize all the buttons and menus.
* Has a great tutorial to help you master the ins and outs of RAW.
* Explains why all glass (Fuji lenses) are not born equal.
* Includes a 22 page Condensed Guide to the Basics of modern digital photography.
Get the most from your investment – Learn about the wonders of digital imaging and improve your creative eye at the same time!
NOTE: This e-book is available in 2 different formats:
1) Electronic: As a bundle of 3 electronic formats: A full-color .pdf file (with the nicest-looking layout 🙂 ), a .mobi file for your kindle, and an .epub file for your Nook or other e-reader. ONE PRICE GETS YOU ALL THREE DRM-FREE FILES! 711 pages of information, knowledge, and wisdom in multiple formats for ONLY USD $31.45!! (Note: Currently only the .pdf file is available, and you will receive free download links once the other two formats are available) (Click here to order)
2) Printed: For those of you who prefer traditional printed books, this work is available as a printed and bound book in either Color and B&W that will be mailed right to your door.

As a bonus, the author (hey! I’m trying to entice you to buy my book!), gives everyone who buys his book a PDF copy of “Phone Companion Settings”. A convenient, fully hyperlinked 38 page Phone Companion booklet covering all camera settings with EASY explanations for each menu item. you can carry with you in your phone for quick reference.
But Wait! There’s more…. A PDF copy of Edition 1 of my other eBook “Mastering Flash with Fujifilm X Cameras”. Plus there’s an XLS spreadsheet listing all camera settings with a brief explanation of each, the author’s own recommendations, and space to note your settings.
All a $19.95 value. (Find out how to obtain these bonuses in the book. Available by request till January 1, 2021)
Tony is an author, photographer, pilot, teacher, lecturer, and lover of classic cars. He has a long-standing passion for photography. To date he has over a dozen published books on photography. Half of them on Fujifilm X cameras and lighting. He is recommended by MirrorLessons as one of 6 Authors of Mirrorless Camera Manuals Whose Books You’ll Actually Enjoy Reading. His book on the X-Pro2 was headlined in Fujifilm’s blog as “The Most Comprehensive Guide on the X-Pro2”. He conducts photographic seminars on the fundamentals of digital photography through to advanced lighting, and is often seen at car shows – either exhibiting, or prowling the display.
Download your copy now – only $31.45!
Or, purchase a printed copy in either Color or B&W.
What others are saying about this and Tony’s books:
The book is great. The more I use my XT2 the better your book becomes. The camera settings on the phone is a brilliant idea. – Bill Dodd
Thanks, Tony- you’re as good as Fuji with updates- appreciate it! – Richard Fee
This is the best book I have seen about an excellent camera. I refer to the book frequently because there is always something new to learn. – Steve Fowler
I am a long-time Xpro1 and X100F shooter, and wanted a more readable document than the Fuji manual. I love the way you lay things out—it is clear that you’ve thought through what would be most useful to a photographer. – Chris Min
Many thanks for the updates. Your book about the X100F is really outstanding. I did read a few books dedicated to cameras, but yours is the best by far. – Georges Ringotte
I thank you, and I do spread the word on your books. Simple, clear, precise, and on-target! Professionally laid out and printed too. – Randy Gusdorf
I have 60 years photographing and a couple of DSLRs, I got the X100F as a “carry-along” camera. I truly didn’t understand all the options and how they interacted until I read your book. You get 5-stars in every way for it. – Jim Mirick
I have your book and your information is fantastic – Liz Combes
The “phone companion” version is an excellent idea. Thank you very much, Tony, much appreciated. – Stelios
Tony – many thanks indeed for the updates and phone companion. I have found your Guide invaluable and am looking forward to a deep dive into the update… – Sam Bolton
Thank you very much for your email, the Phone Companion is a great idea and already installed. – Ioannis Voutyrakis
Recently, I purchased your E-M1 Mark II e-book and I have to say that it is packed with more information than I expected. The tips really make a huge difference. It is obvious you did an awful lot of hard work to put this all together. It is the best MKII resource I’ve seen. – Dennis Mook
You are as good as your word. Many thanks for this. I have already found your book of inestimable help in figuring our how to use this wonderful camera. – Russell Caplan
Tony, thank you! I have already learned a great deal about the Mk II, after feeling somewhat overwhelmed. Your book has helped immensely. – Chris Anderson
First, I’m really thrilled about your book! Being quite new to Fuji (switching from Nikon) I got the tip to buy your book in a Facebook Fuji X-T20 user group. Excuse me for this looong mail, but I just wanted to explain how very impressed and excited I am about your excellent book 😉 – Peter Ishii
“Thanks very much. I’ve gotten a bit into the eBook and very much enjoy the writing style and content, especially the tips.” – Jerry Jackson
Just want to let you know that I’m finding your new XPro2 ebook extremely helpful, and this after using my XPro2 camera for 3 1/2 weeks in Europe. Finding all kinds of helpful info on settings, etc. Chris Morrow
This is a very well put together guide book, and I’ve read a ton of them in my time! Excellent! Steve MacDonald
Really enjoying your book on the X-Pro2 for the detail and also the tone, which is very refreshing after all those technical books that make you want to go to sleep! Dominic Robertson
Your EBOOK is excellent….clear and easy to understand. Your writing style is concise, to the point and very easy to follow. It is idiot proof. Laura Knight
It’s a really well thought out book. It’s giving me insights into the camera that I could never get from the manual. Great job Tony! Rick Berger
Just a quick note to say how useful your book has proved to be. I have the Kindle version on my iPad and iPhone and it has enabled me to really develop my knowledge of this superb camera. Christopher Harland
I have been talking your book up. It’s very well done. As a 45 year nikon guy, this was my favorite book on a new camera. George Whitson
“Your X-Pro 2 book just arrived and I am loving it. I’m new to Fuji after a decade plus of shooting Nikon DSLR’s. This book is the perfect resource for me. And, I love your writing style too. Feel like you’re sitting down next to me talking about this wonderful camera and how to better understand all its capabilities!” – Russ Stamp
“I’m enjoying the book so far. Love your high level of detail and you have definitely left no stone unturned. This book should come bundled with every X-T2 camera!!!” – Wayne Sorensen
“Your books are a great help. Many thanks! I’m a fan! I have already read your recent interview on the Fujifilm blog btw.” – Dr. Thomas Gamstaetter
“Thank you, Tony. I’vve had a quick look through your spreadsheet and already it’s been more helpful than the manual.” – A/Prof. Peter R. Clyne
“The best and most complete book on the Fuji cameras.” – George Dalsheimer
“At first I’d like to thank you for your book. It’s helping me a lot!!!! There are some amazing tricks so helpful, one that I most like until now is the trick to change ISO quickly (page 134), thank you for that!” – Danilo Siqueira
“Your book is the most informative one of all the Fuji X books or ebooks that I own with lots of tips that I hadn’t been aware of.” – Michael Zapf
“The guide is brilliant, thanks! Very useful indeed.” – Nick Edwards
“First, I would like to congratulate you for this great book you wrote. I am impressed by the level of details. This is a very complete document, that is extremely useful. Well well well done ! I needed this book desperately.” – Fabian Longo
“Thanks, Tony. I’ve been looking at your eBook on the XT2 and liking it a lot! Thanks for doing such a great service for the X community. I will definitely spread the word on your books.” – Bob Fugate
“I am all set now and the more I get into the book it is awesome it sure is giving me a new perspective on my XT-2. All I can say is Wow. Thanks” – Bob Rogers
“I have finished skimming Tony’s book and it was totally worth the investment and time…I so appreciate Tony putting things together and moving on a faster learning curve towards getting the camera mastered and out of the way.” – David Yeiter
“I owned the x100 for a few years and upgraded to the x100s about 9 months ago. I was pretty familiar with the camera, and have many years of (amateur photographic) experience, but your Complete Guide to Fujifilm’s X100s Camera has expanded my knowledge in many ways.” – Paul Rogers
“As an ebook it’s rather good, written with the more experienced hobbyist in mind and not just a re-write of the manual. For my money it’s better than the other X100S book and is worth a read.” – Nippa
The book is really (can’t put it down) really great … such a relief to find a friendly conversational style of writing (so different from the manual). Roland Herrera
The guide is brilliant, thanks! Very useful indeed. Nick Edwards
“If you own a Fuji X-T1, this book is a MUST. Owners of every experience level will learn from Tony’s detailed and enjoyable guidance. It trumps Fuji’s camera manual many times over. I keep this eBook PDF in Dropbox on my laptop, tablet and iPhone so it is always within reach as I travel. Don’t hesitate: buy it now you’ll get the most out of your X-T1 system.” David Julian