February 1st 2025
Hi, all. Gary Friedman here, the author of your book on the Sony Alpha 1 camera. As you may know, Sony released a firmware update a few weeks ago,and as is my policy, I've assembled a free supplement explaining the new features. Here you go: https://friedmanarchives.com/~download/A1/A1_supplement_Firmware_v3.pdf (This is in addition to the supplement I wrote for Firmware version 2.02, which you can download from here: https://friedmanarchives.com/~download/A1/A1_supplement_Firmware_v2.02.pdf ) ...Continue Reading
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January 3rd 2023
Dear Friedman Archives Seminar alumnus, Hello, it's been a long time!! I hope life is good and stress-free and that you're all looking forward to a great new year. I'm writing to ask you a favor. I'm applying for a professorship position at a local university and they're asking for examples of some of my student's work. I'm guessing they want to see how effective my teaching skills are. And since you've attended my seminar, technically you can be considered a student. Could I trouble you to e ...Continue Reading
Join a down-to-earth photography blog that's free of paid shillery!
February 14th 2025
Hi there! In this edition of the Friedman Archives Blog, I dissect the myth of the inverse square law (you know, the one that talks about how light intensity decreases rapidly over distance). Also included is a more detailed writeup on the Kenya photo safari that happened last November. We're doing it again, and YOU'RE INVITED! An upcoming seminar in San Jose, too. :-) Read all about it here: https://friedmanarchives.blogspot.com/2025/02/the-inverse-square-law-have-i-been.htmll Enjoy! Yours Truly, Gar ...Continue Reading
September 26th 2022
Hi there! Gary Friedman here, announcing not one but TWO blog posts this month. The first talks about a great trick for getting high-impact B&W shots that the great photographers never had. You can read it here: <https://friedmanarchives.blogspot.com/2022/09/a-trick-for-better-b-photography.html> (Copy and paste the URL if clicking on it doesn’t work.) The second is another edition of “Geeking with Gary”, where I talk about the year I spent volunteering to teach at MIT’s STEM program on steroi ...Continue Reading
A list of readers in selected Western states.
March 8th 2025
You love to take pictures, but how often do you take pictures that make people say, “Wow!”? Hi! This is Gary Friedman, publisher of the e-book you bought on your digital camera. I wanted to alert you that the Friedman Archives High-Impact Photography Seminars will be coming to San Jose at the end of April! Not "just another photo seminar"; the Friedman Archives Seminar represents a _fresh_ and _different_ approach that completely cuts through today ...Continue Reading