Friedman Archives Mailing List Archives


[The Friedman Archives Blog] - The Inverse Square Law - Have I Been Lying All These Years?

February 14th 2025 PST

Hi there! In this edition of the Friedman Archives Blog, I dissect the myth of the inverse square law (you know, the one that talks about how light intensity decreases rapidly over distance). Also included is a more detailed writeup on the Kenya photo safari that happened last November.  We're doing it again, and YOU'RE INVITED! An upcoming seminar in San Jose, too. :-)  Read all about it here: Enjoy! Yours Truly, Gar ...Continue Reading

[The Friedman Archives Blog] - Saving Lives in Uganda

January 13th 2025 PST

Hi, all!  First of all, happy new year.  As promised, here's my article about the work I was documenting in Uganda.  I believe this may be Nobel-prize winning work some day: Also, the book on the Sony A1 II is up for pre-order and can be ordered here at a discount:  Enjoy! Sincerely, Gary ...Continue Reading

Last-minute, end-of-year deals on Friedman Archives Products!

December 19th 2024 PST

Hi!  Okay, this is a little bit last-minute, but I thought I'd let you know about FOUR Friedman Archives things that will be on sale until the end of the year: 1) You can get 10% off any downloadable ebook from the website by using coupon code EOY24 during checkout.  Coupon is good through the end of the year. 2) You can get 15% off of any printed book from my print-on-demand publisher  Just use discount code HOLIDAYCHEER15 during checkout.  Coupon is valid between D ...Continue Reading

[The Friedman Archives Blog] - Four 600mm Lenses

December 15th 2024 PST

Hi there!Boy have I been busy.  Kenya, Zimbabwe, and Uganda.  And there's a lot to unpack (literally and figuratively.)So I'll start with this, which also has a few shots from the Photo Safari I led last month:!Sincerely, GaryLeft: 600mm f/4 (which costs $13K USD).  Center: RX10 IV at 600mm (which costs $1,600).  Right: (You'll have to read the blog post, but it didn't cost $13K!) ...Continue Reading

[The Friedman Archives Blog] - Trekking in Nepal

November 1st 2024 PST

Hi, all.  We leave for Africa in a week; I'm giving a wireless flash workshop in 2 days, and I've just released a free supplement covering Firmware v3.0 for the Sony A7R V.  (Email me with your purchase receipt if you didn't get it.) Yeah, I"m swamped.  So I thought I'd share an adventure from 1994, when I went trekking in Nepal.  Here you go: Next month will be a report on Kenya, plus another trip to a country that sh ...Continue Reading

[The Friedman Archives Blog] - What is 'Unsharp Mask', anyway?

October 2nd 2024 PST

Hi, all.  Just returned from giving a seminar in Kansas City, KS.  (I also gave a lecture for the local photo club a few days before; photo on the right.)  Before I tell you about that (and the subject of of this month's 'Unsharp Mask' topic), let me tell you that two slots for the Photo Safari in Kenya just opened up.  More details in the blog post, and it starts on November 8, so you'd better hurry if you want to join us! In this edition, I explain the origins of Photoshop's mysterious "Unsh ...Continue Reading

[The Friedman Archives Blog] - Photographing the Northern Lights

August 29th 2024 PST

Hi!  This month's Friedman Archives Blog Post is a few weeks early.  In this issue I talk about shooting the Northern Lights, my upcoming personal appearances, answer viewer mail, and of course the usual announcements.  (Like my Kansas City, KS seminar happening in just three weeks!  Here's the link: Enjoy! Sincerely, Gary ...Continue Reading

[The Friedman Archives Blog] - Lots of Stuff...

August 3rd 2024 PST

Hi.  I know you're' probably busy watching the Olympics right now, but I wanted to let you know about this month's blog.  There's a LOT of stuff in there, starting with why I don't recommend Leica's Monochrom(e) line of B&W cameras.  (It also includes an important warning if you're a user of Google Photos.)  Read all about it here: Enjoy! Sincerely, Gary ...Continue Reading

[The Friedman Archives Blog] - 2-light portrait lighting

June 6th 2024 PST

Hi there!You haven't heard from me in quite awhile.  That's because I came out with a book, gave a seminar, spent a month on the road, and a few other things.  (Oh, and our cat died. )  So much has happened, in fact, that I have not one but TWO photography blog posts for you!The first one talks about the basic 2-flash setup I use for all of my studio portraits, and how I was able to rescue one of the images that wasn't sharp: ...Continue Reading

[The Friedman Archives Blog]

March 23rd 2024 PST

Hi!  There's a lot in this month's blog.  But I'll just tease you and say this image was taken outdoors on a really bright day. :-)  Read all about it (plus a brief comparison of noise reduction tools from last month) here: Enjoy! Sincerely, Gary ...Continue Reading
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